Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

Tue- We planned to help kat as one of her co-workers was moving to North Platte so we spent most of the day moving all of the things Amanda didn't want anymore to Kats house in keystone which was a lot almost 95% of her stuff when out there or to her storage but we got it all done for her and only had to hall two shelves out and her bed to NP on Wed on our way to district meeting.

Wed we got to North  Platte and tried to find the house we were to drop the stuff off at but we headed to District meeting first then we headed out again finally got told and when I went to see if her roommate was around this lady opened the door and tells me "I have a sick baby leave me alone" and slammed the door in my face so I tried calling the lady to make sure we were at the right house as it would turn out she had told us the wrong street so with the house # we were able to find the house on the next block over dropped it off and then went to lunch with the district. then had to go to Hersey where we had dinner with the Blumsteads and then had to go to Mutual where we gave a fireside on the life in a day of a missionary as good. then we headed home and had to drop our truck off at the Auto shop.

Thur- was not the best day for us we were going to have Breakfast with Greg Moore but he called and cancelled on us again for 15th time but we were ok and then he also cancelled on our plan to stopped by and read the Book of Mormon with him later that night so e had to change our planes but it worked out cause we met with the Holt family and had dinner and then taught about the word of wisdom, for our lesson then they took us home so we wouldn't have to walk home.

well we were able to meet with John Morris and his girlfriend this week they invited us over for dinner and then was going to read but that didn't work out for us so we headed out to the other side of town to meet with Greg when we got there he was sleeping so we stopped and saw Jordan we wen t over and played a card game and talked with him about our missions and then we went back home. we were suppose to meet with Bro. Holt at the Jeffers but he wasn't able to make it there with us we stopped and offered to help them with there cleaning but they said no due to out attire being wrong for working but they invited us over for dinner on Wed, then we went out with Bro. Holt to see everyone else was alright but not as eventful as I had been hoping for everyone was out due to the good weather but we were able to see the Hirsh family who have been out of town since Feb.15 so we asked if we could stop by tomorrow (Sunday) she told us that would be fine if we did. so we headed to our dinner appointment which was a no go as well as when we got there she told us she forgot and didn't cook anything so we went home and ate was going to see few more family's but our ride wouldn't be able to take us so we worked on updating our books and preparing for our meeting on Sunday morning.

Sunday was alright we made it to our meeting even though we had a time change but had some good talks given from the Branch Presidency and the branch president but in all I enjoyed them very much talked a lot about forgiving people of there wrongs to us. After priesthood President Kearl came to talk to us and see how our area was going what he could do to help us and also the Branch President but we had a good talk he gave us some very good ideas to try out and things but hope fully this week will bring more teaching and things are way but love you all Love Elder Lott

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