Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 19, 2014

Well this week was good I got to Go to my favorite little big town called Lexington or AKA Mexington.

Well Monday we drove to Lex and when we got there the AP's had already beaten us its funny how they always seem to be on time or early every other time than on transfer day so it was a quick good by from there. Where i would be staying with Elder Edwards

Tue- First we went to a less actives home to help move some scrap wood form the ramp they took out in the front of the house because i have a truck so we did that then we took some other junk over to the dump and then went out to Johnson Lake to try and visit some of the Investigators and Less Actives that were there so we went out and we got to see a couple but not everyone was home or able to have us stay we did see this crazy thing were a woman was living in a garbage can to get away from her kids which is sad and crazy and weird. but it was not to bad.

Wed- Was district meeting which was in away strange not having to one leave so early and not having to travel out of town for the meeting but i was lucky enough to get to give a training on how we can make our message more meaningful my centering our message on Familys and it went very well. The other training was on Researching our Ancestors  then they asked everyone to share their family stories they were supose to memories for Zone Training this week.

Thur- We had Calls coming from President Weston to tell us who our comps would be and if we were training well Elder Edwards got a call but i did not get one so we went out to Gothemburg to help Bro. Sanders out on his ranch which was fun we ran some Electric fence and some Barbed wire and got rid of some unwanted trees for him. then when we got home from that one we went back to eh family who we moved the wood for to move some sand and found out they wanted us to take out there whole front yard and move the sand to get dirt which is silly cause its is super good soil already so it didnt work out for us but we got fishing licence so fish the pond they live by and Elder Edwards caught a good size Large mouth bass which was fun.

Fri- we got a call saying we had to meet the transfer van in Kearny so we jumped in the truck and tried to find the place they were hiding at which was a big apple easy to see if it wasn't behind the other stores and on the front of the building but i found it and got my comp Elder Kunzler who is form Northern Utah from a ranch out there his folks run so this is home and headed home stopped and ate with the Branch Misson Leader then came home and unpacked.

Sat/Sun- we went around visiting people so Elder Kunzler could get familiarized with the area and people. Went to church didnt have to tell his stories to many times over again but had a good day Anna and Alaina both bailed on us Alaina's boy friends daughter was sick and Anna slep in which should not have happened due to i set an alarm for her which woke her up the last two weeks she didnt come so oh well will keep  working on them both  well hope you all have a wonderful week love Elder Lott.

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