Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 12, 2014

Well here's a glimpse's of what we got to do this week.

So Monday- we decided since it was such nice weather we would go to the Golf course and go hit a few balls at the driving range heres how it went

Tuesday- We got a call from a lady named Sonia who wanted help from us to clean out her Strawberry patch well we raked just about everything out of it for her not so sure she will have us back over ha-ha Just kidding we did a good job she said it was wonderful. After that we took off to Pam's Place to help finish up the Corals for her horses after we got done we went home changed cloths and went to the Holt's for dinner  since elder Bosen was leaving they asked what he wanted was home made pizza. Then we were going to go over to the Magee's for a blessing but he was not home from work so he asked us to wait a day.

Wed- We yep you guessed it went to Zone Training in North Platte which was good we had training on the importance of  following up when we leave commitments and watch a video Called 'DAYTONS LEG'S' which was super good if your looking for something to lift you up for the day thats a great video. Then after that we went to Hershey to help Bro. McConnell with some fencing work he had for us to do and we got half of the holes dug the Barbed wire laid out and all the post set out before the rain and stuff made us quite for the evening so we ate with his family and Sister McConnell made Home Made Pizza which was super good so we raced home got cleaned up and went over to the Magee's to give Brody a blessing before he went in for his Bone graft and had a rod put in his big toe because he couldn't move it.

Thur- We went into the saddle shop and had just missed the tore he gave to his daughters 2nd grade class but while we were there we watched as he put a new seat in a saddle some one brought into get some repair work done on it after that we went to see Brother Teter who we had not seen since Sunday night he took us to dinner to Dairy Queen after that we went to see Anna and she told us she would be coming to church on Sunday and i set an alarm on her phone to make sure she didn't sleep in again. Then we went to see Jordan an investigator and we talked with him cause we hadn't seen him for a week or so as well which was good played some cards which was fun.

Fri- We were going to take a bed and a dresser out to Kat's place but she called us and told us not to come so we Tried Bob Flood but he told us he didn't have anything to do either so we did our Deep Clean of our apartment which was good to get done before we had to be out of town so we went to see the Brawley's who we hadn't see for a little while as well they offered to feed us so we ate with them and talked about coming to church when it warms up cause he doesn't want to have car problems on a cold day then we went to see Pam at Denny's cause she wanted to feed us for working on Tuesday but since we had eaten already we just got Blueberry milkshakes which were really good then we went by the Jeffer's to see when they would like us to come over to Skype on Sunday they were having their sons birthday party since he was home from Collage so they told us to call them after church and they would let us know.

Sat- well as you can see we went to Bro. McConnell's for Branding so we got there worked the Cow's first gave them their shots and Vaccines then we started on the Calves but i gave my job to Elder Bosen and helped Wrestle the Calves which was fun and hard only ended up with bruises on 85% and then things got heated up and nuts were a flying literally of my body so not to bad then they had us over for dinner again after then we wanted to catch Drakes Graduation party so we headed for there and when we got there it was all over and just cleaning up what was left out.

Sun- Was kinda nasty we had rain all day and Anna cancelled on coming to church due to the weather being to cold for her neropathy but we had a good time we had Fast and Testimony Meeting was good lots of good things were shared then we headed home and went to the Jeffers so we could Skype and after a little confusion we got things going and it was great to see everyone Well i hope everyones mothers day was good and hope everyone is doing well Love Elder Lott

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