Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 2, 2014

well I am sorry that the last few week we have been so crazy and not been able to give out a good email but we have time today to send it out so this last week Monday we just chilled at sister Peknys and wrote letters and things Elder Wilson and I made some chicken noodle soup for everyone well it was not noodle soup due to sister Beck is Celiac and cant have Gluten so we used Zucchinis for noodles and after we got done we had to go to Beemer and have dinner with Dolly Jackson so we did not get to eat any of it but the sisters said that it was very good. and I was able to meet Mary Jo's Brother  and we went to lunch and just had a good time visiting with him.

Tue- We went out to the Grain Train and Started packing Blankets into New boxes to send out to people in need we got about 2 pallets filled and then Elder Powell and myself went and helped Doug pick up some thing that they were putting into a Trailer house Church they were building to send to Pilger the town that got Blown away in the tornado right before I got here to Norfolk. Then Elder Wilson and I went out on Exchanges and had a good lesson with Nick. We went over why we talk about the Priesthood so much and how the line goes from the Prophet on down and then asked him some questions about Lay ministry and things like that loaned him a few videos on Joseph smith and his Martyrdom. Also we went to a Potential Investigators House for dinner the Kumm family and we had Hamburgers then he asked us all sorts of questions about were we were from and things to get to know us better and then we Bore our Testimonies about why we are on Missions then we tried a few other people before we went in for the Night.

Wed- We had District Meeting and I gave a training on Why Jesus was such a perfect example of a Preach My Gospel Missionary and talked a lot about having Christ Like attributes and things like that. After we talked about good food we could make for each other when we didn't have dinner appointments. and then the Spanish elders got a call telling them they were getting kicked out of there member housing and that we would have to go check out an apartment when we got out of our meeting. Then we went and saw the Nevarez and committed them to read the book of Mormon with us we are going to read it as mission by Christmas so they agreed to try and we started a week ago if anyone would like to do it with us we read 6 pages a day and Circle every time the words Christ, Lord, Heart, and the atonement are talked about. we are on page 45 as of today.

Thur- we had to run up to Wayne and see the Parkers and give a blessing to Nichole before they headed out on there trip to Florida. we came home and met up with the Elders and Sister and Finished some work at the Grain Train then we went and saw Estefan he is a Less Active and had been having a tuff day due to him and his Girlfriend breaking up but it is for the better she was keeping him from coming to church and he is coming now. and we also Saw 2 other Less actives Bro. Don Bronzinski and the Reinke family Brother Don I read 1 Nephi about Nephi breaking his bow cause he though he broke his hand and how we need not murmur when we are given trials. the Reinkes we talked about going to church and the Importance it is in our lives and what we miss when we are not there.

Fri- We had our Weekly Planning session and got a text asking us to meet at Burger King to have lunch with Sister Pekny and had a good time visiting with her and after that we went out to Try Justin Alner and he did not answer due to the fact he owes his Neighbor 10 bucks and doesn't want to pay him so he didn't know if it was us or him knocking. then tried Tim his Neighbor not the one he owes money to but he was not there for us to see so we went out and Trackted for a while with not a lot of luck but did  meet a really nice guy who talked with us for about 15 minutes. then we went and changed and played Soccer and Jacob, Ty and Aaron all came back this week as well so we are going to try to start teaching them all and Jason also called and told us he is ready to start taking the  Lessons now so we will be seeing him tomorrow.

Sat- again we had to run to Wayne to help Move a family into an apartment then in 2 months time we will move them into there house but it was alright and when we got back into Norfolk we went to help the Spanish Elders get all moved into there apartment. then we went to dinner with the Jimenez family and had some tocos and they were Tongue and Intestines. after dinner we ran up to the Hospital and gave sister Wilson a blessing she was having heart Problems and had a good little visit with her then we headed home.

Sun- We had church and had two good talks by the Wolfy family who just moved in from Arizona a few months ago. she talked on Obedience and he talked on following the Commandments and how they are only there to bless us and need to do what the lord says and prove him see if he will give us the blessing he promises and they will come to us like he says.

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