Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2013

Hello Sorry this week will not be like the rest not as crazy but still just as good.
       Mon- P-day was kind of interesting we got a call from a lady asking if we could help her out with a few things so even thought it was our day off I said yes we could so she told us she would call us when she was ready for us to come out and help her so we went about doing what we can out here with suck a busy town it easy to find something to do but we went about nothing no call comes around to 4 we decide to go bowling she still had not called so we tried her nothing so just went later found out she was not able to do it and we rescheduled for later in the week.
Tuesday- we  went out and cleaned out a small room so she could have a wall heater put in she actually lives in the original bank of Keystone its nuts but after we got done with that she told us the safe was jammed shut and it was going to cost her $1500.00 to have some company come get it opened so elder Pancheri my companion asked her if he could try it (he bought a safe right before he came out) so he tried it the next thing I know I catch a  glimpse of the door opening out of the corner of my eye. Kat is what we call her so she see it freaks out calls everyone " THE SAFE DOOR IS OPEN!!!!!" tells pancheri that he wanst a preacher she would kiss him and wanted to give him $100 for opening it cause she had a reward for who ever could  get it opend had for 2 years and over 50 people tried but no luck but then it did so that was the last thing we did had a good religious talk with her then came home.

  Wed- We had our district meeting we went to after that we went out to McCook to have Exchanges which was fun I went with one elder the first night then the next went with the other elder had some good visits with them got to know some good familys.

Thur- we came home  on our way we happened to see this park and in the park was this MASSIVE 5 twist slide so of course we had to flip around a try it out so we did and was fun did about 4 slides then left and elder pancheri felt sick as we left but I told him he was fine we got about 2 minutes down the road before we had to stop and he threw up which mad me laugh it was good the rest of the drive home was not as exciting as that though.

we tried to be able to meet with Greg and to watch finding faith in Christ but got there and he told us he was sleeping so we went to another LA to Visit them. we helped Kat again we helped her clean out one of her Co-workers house which was a reck to say the least but got that done after what seemed all day tried to make over to help another LA who asked us to help them but was not able to make it in time to help before she had to take her son to a birthday party but did talk with her husband while they were gone. sun we got to church and the branch pres. took the single adults to Kearny for a meeting and since the youth speaker was one I got asked to fill his place 5 minutes before the meeting but it all ended up working out so both Elder Pancheri and myself both gave talks in churh but it was really good did end up catching greg later that day and was able to watch the move with him but that's the sweet life of Elder Lott  in Ogallala NE.

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