Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4, 2013

Well this week was good we had Zone conferance Tuesday was great then  thursday we helped a lady move some stuff out of her mothers house who died we had to move a water softener that weighed 700 pounds no joke i know cause we took it to the scrap yard and some other stuff but ya that was so much fun then saturday we went and helped out a family whos starter went out on their car got that fixed but then their battery was dead but it works now. saterday night as we were walking main street a truck with two girls in it turned around stopped and asked us if we needed a ride had to tell them No cause there was no males in the truck. Then as we were coming by the Motel there was an older gentle man out front so i asked him how his day was going and he said " i have never had a bad day in 25 years". So i  asked him what his secret was and he said being a Marine and as we talked with him one of his friends walked over and he told him we were Bible bashers and the guy said no there not they are Mormans like me. He is from Utah moved out here to do an apprenticeship with a guy who makes saddles he didnt know were the church is so he hasnt gone and he asnt been in almost 20 years he told me so i am glad that he want to start coming again. As we talked he told us that the guy he is  work for is interested in the book of morman so we gave him two and his friend one. Sunday was daylights saving time as you know well it messed us up a little got up to get ready for church then realized we still had 2 hours haha.  We had an Less active and his girlfriend supost to come to church with us but they said next week. So during our gospel docturines there was this guy that came in a little late and sat on the other rowe accross from us and then Elder Pancheri realized who it was it was Brian Mays from his home town so they talked a little bit after class he had dropped a load of cows and wanted to come suprize him and he did alright. Then later that night we had to go help another lady move some stuff who is getting a devorce she is not a member but a friend to the lady who we helped earlyer in the week. We got a Electric grill for $6.00 from the Ladys sister We were thinking of people to visit that night we thought of one family but thought we should call first left a message then they called back their daughter had her baby and they wanted us to come by and give him a blessing so we did had a nice visit with them then gave a blessing to the baby and his mom was a great thing to do the mother told us that they had not had a blessing in there home for 6 years and was glad that we had come over. Love ELDER LOTT

To Mike:
Mike well we had 20 to 25 people on Sunday and stuff some of the people are starting to open up but any advice would be loved and we usually try to meet with less actives for the most part then in the evenings try to catch people who are out side and things like that. But the community sees us quite a bit when they all drive around town and things like that we have a few service projects set up with a couple of people and things so i hope that as more thing happen people will let us know most of the time they tell us after well where were you like a week ago and i just think to myself we gave you our number a week ago. And with wrestling starting up and things and the one active member we have he is the sports writer we might start going to sporting events so people will see us their and he is supose to ask some people if they want to meet with us. Love you guys and if you would like to send a little treat from the store for my B-day that would be awesome and all but if not don't worrie oh and some of the LAs [less actives] are feeding us so we are liked by almost all of them but just trying to gain their trust.

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